Effective Family Management by Practice of Astrology and Ethics

Little and small disagreements in a family can actually help members rediscover themselves and strengthen bonds.

But, due to an untrained mind, members of a family enter into unending conflicts that have no solutions.

Considering Astrological aspects of a psychosocial problem, we can have greater insight into what kind of thoughts we should generate to carry out our responsibilities duly and achieve a satisfactory, prosperous family life.

The Sun represents the father, the moon represents the mother, Mars and Mercury represent younger siblings (brothers and sisters).

As per ancient knowledge, family system lays foundation of character of a person.  One gets values and beautiful traditions that make life a pleasant experience.

Moreover, one is able to share experiences of life to family members and a collective reflection helps to grow everyone’s perspective.

Although astrologically, we can apply remedial solutions to compensate for weaker planets and certain malefic alignments, it is imperative to know about an effective family system.

The remedial actions work well when we correct our actions of present and future for the better.

It is important that each member of the family is explained their roles, rights and responsibilities. A right gives security and comfort while a responsibility gives a person a feeling of fulfillment and also a much required sense of duty.

Happy Family

Mother and father play a major role in shaping a family. It is important both should co-ordinate their actions with each-other.

It is often neglected but a mental, spiritual and physical level of optimal health should be checked alongside astrological parameters before a marriage is done.

Nowadays, people are afflicted by depression, jealousy and immature thoughts. How can such individuals give rise to a healthy family?

Rather, it would put the progeny into a state of doldrums in emotional maters. Such children would bear so much suffering due to improper upbringing.

When a marriage takes place and a family gets expanded, children should be inculcated with right values. As they grow certain roles and responsibilities should be entrusted on them according to their capability and age.

It is also imperative one of the family members is assigned fully with the responsibility of maintaining household.

Others can manage it with complementary assistance. Traditionally, the role was fulfilled by lady of the house. Nowadays, both the counterparts share this responsibility.

Teaching new and self-managing skills to children is very important.

The elderly in the family should be looked after.

The elders of the house need to realize that their responsibilities towards world and family have been largely fulfilled.

They may devote their maximum time for devotional, relaxation, and recreational services.

This can happen only if they have been practicing dispassion through their working years.

Mostly, in old age, mind is not able to leave old habits of clinging onto small matters and feeling of neglect creeps in them.

One should know how to stay alone and still be in pleasure and able to have peaceful recreational time.

Moreover, this attitude in elderly earns them a lot of respect from younger members who might seek their advice in important matters.

A lease of new life is experienced by younger members who are now on a new path of life.

As a learned Astrologer and an ardent philosopher of Vedas, Pandit Eshwar ji provides Astrological advice as well Vedic counsel  for management of family problems in Canada.